Privacy Policy
Claire Goodey counselling and psychotherapy operates as sole trader from Sage Therapy Centre, 635 Western Boulevard, NG8 5GS; 13B Rustlings Road, S11 7AA; Graves Park and other outdoor spaces around South Yorkshire, and registered at a personal home address. You can contact Claire Goodey either by email at or by telephone on 07517 848648
What personal data am I asking for and why?
Your name, email address, telephone number and home address are used to identify and communicate with you.
Your emergency person’s contact details, GP details, any diagnoses, medication, other sensitive information decided by you to share with me and my clinical formulation of your difficulties allow me to carry out my role as a psychotherapist and you confirm you have permission to share 3rd party information.
I will record this information in traditional format to compile a record of our work together with the exception of your telephone number which may be stored in my mobile telephone. It is a legal obligation for me to store this sensitive data and allows me to fulfil my contractual obligation to you in pursuit of psychotherapeutic services.
Sharing your data
I may have a vital interest for sharing your data with appropriate services when personal safety or the safety of others is in question. I will endeavour, where possible, to discuss this with you before reporting.
In the event of my serious injury or death your sensitive data will be shared with a trusted colleague who will contact you to offer support and suggest ongoing arrangements.
Storing your data
Your paper records are kept suitably coded (anonymised) in locked cabinets for at least seven years.
Any digital correspondence entered into which does not result in a working contract signed by both of us is retained for no more than six weeks which allows sufficient time for audit completion by Claire Goodey.
Any digital correspondence entered into which does result in a working contract signed by both of us will be printed, collated with your notes and deleted from the electronic source i.e. email account or phone.
Disposing of your data
After 6 months from the termination of the working contract your telephone number will no longer be stored on my mobile telephone.
After seven years from the termination of the working contract and assuming no other contract has been agreed, your traditional data will be shredded.
Your rights
The data protection law allows you the right to access; rectification; erasure; restrict processing; object to processing; data portability. More details of these terms and how to complain should you have any concerns on how your data is used can be found at